Annealing From Scratch

This section will guide you through annealing a structure from scratch. For this, the basic steps are:

  1. Import Structure
  2. Generate Minimizer
  3. Run the Minimizer
  4. Generate Annealer
  5. Run the Annealer


This program is not designed to create structures. You must already have a structure ahead of time!

1) Import Structure

Load your structure into the program:

Load structure from menu bar Load structure from panel

You should now see the structure in the viewport:

Example of structure loaded in the viewport

2) Generate Minimizer

Go to Simulation > Generate Simulation to launch the simulation generator dialog:

Menu bar button for launching the simulation builder dialog

Switch to the minimizer simulation:

Minimizer tab in the simulation builder dialog

Enter parameters for your simulation. An explanation of all the fields can be found here. Once ready, click "Ok" to generate.

3) Run the Minimizer

Upload the resulting files to your cluster using the method of your choice (scp, FileZilla, etc.)

To run the simulation, navigate to the directory containing your simulation files and run the command:


The minimizer may require some time to run. Once it's finished, you can retrieve the resulting structure from /logs/[NAME]-min.dat

4) Generate Annealer

First, load the newly minimized structure back into the program. Since you're loading a LAMMPS .dat file, the program may prompt you to match the numeric IDs in the file with their symbols:

The element id matching dialog

If you do not know which IDs correspond to which element, locate the [NAME].dat structure file in the Assets folder of the minimizer. The Masses section should list the element with a comment:

Screenshot of the masses table in a LAMMPS data file

Next, go to Simulation > Generate Simulation to launch the simulation generator dialog as before:

Menu bar button for launching the simulation builder dialog

Switch to the annealer simulation:

Annealer tab in the simulation builder dialog

Enter parameters for your simulation. An explanation of all the fields can be found here. Once ready, click "Ok" to generate.

5) Run the Annealer

Upload the resulting files to your cluster using the method of your choice (scp, FileZilla, etc.)

To run the simulation, navigate to the directory containing your simulation files and run the command:


The annealer may require some time to run. Once it's finished, you can retrieve the resulting structure from /logs/[NAME]-anneal.dat